Tuesday, September 30, 2008


  • GAS: Gear Acquisition Syndrome
  • Definition: “…a common disease found particularly among, but not limited to, guitar players. A loose definition of GAS would be the obsessive and irrational horse trading or purchasing of musical related equipment.” - Brett Ratner

  • I have been recently diagnosed with GAS or GAD.
  • After a battery of tests it was determined that my GAS started in 1996.

Here she is, my latest GAS attack. Her name is Margaux. Why? Well she comes in a wine finish and Chateau Margaux has killer wine(s). Don’t ask!



Grassy said...

how very appropriate ;)

Unknown said...

Hmmm... I think you need to GAG (Get A Grip).

Paguroidea said...

OK Smarty! God forbid, but let's say you are diagnosed with parkinson's disease and I tell you to GAG?

Unknown said...

Why would you say that?
You know my grandmother died from parkinson's last year.
*sob sob sob*
God bless you, Grandma, and please forgive my friend for he is handicapped by a natural immaturity.

Paguroidea said...

Damn right! I must say you have a knack for stating the obvious.