Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Price of Procrastination


  • $75 for renewing passport
  • $60 Procrastination fee (expedite)
  • $38 and some cents multiplied by 2 for DHL courier service (added procrastination fee)
  • I am a recovering procrastinator.
  • I have been afflicted with this disease since I was a strand of DNA.
  • I always pay late fees.
  • I don't know why I wait until the 20ish to pay for my phone bill? Do I find it erotic rushing over to PTI to drop off a check into the drop box by 4:29 pm? (Note to self: The PTI Customer Service Rep said "Sir, just to be safe, pay your bill before the 14th of each month." He could have made my life simpler by just saying the 13th!!! Wait, I forgot to ask by what time?!?!
  • Do I simply put things off or do I find extreme pleasure in beating deadlines…or both? I guess I'll just wait and see.

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